Professional, Commercial, Effective HR Support Specialists
We cover all aspects of Human Resource Management.
We have extensive experience of dealing with the more complex and challenging areas of HR that can divert attention away from your day to day operational role.
Growing and dynamic businesses are sometimes left wondering whether they do actually need HR support. The wheels haven’t fallen off yet so why bother?
Here are a few reasons why and some examples of the types of services we provide.
HR Health Check
An HR Health Check from Pears & Daniels HR, provides a full and expert review of current employment contracts, policies, procedures, practices, to highlight compliance with current UK legislation and best practice. The audit will identify the strengths and weaknesses within your business’s working practices as well as highlighting what’s missing, what needs to be improved and where your business may be at risk. We won’t fob you off with jargon or HR fluff.
Difficult Employee Issues
Disciplinaries, Grievance, Dismissal and Sickness Absence, Mental Health: these can really slow your business down and cause you huge stress. We will resolve these quickly and effectively for you so you can concentrate on running your core business.
We can run one off and regular clinics and training on all areas of HR for your managers so they can operate more effectively. For example, if your business is growing quickly do your line managers have the recruitment & interviewing skills that they need?
Managing Workforce Flexibility
Getting your family friendly policies and demographic is a key issue today for businesses, particularly with all the new legislation the UK has seen in recent years. Maternity/Paternity/Shared Parental Leave/Adoption/Rights to Time Off/Flexible Working/Hybrid Working Requests - are often emotive subjects for employees and can impact how productive they are at work. We will guide you through this minefield with your commercial business interests in mind.
Regular HR Support
Many companies don’t have the luxury of an HR Manager on tap. People Management issues can often be time consuming, sometimes stressful and can compromise a business being able to operate as effectively and profitably as it otherwise could. Our outsourced HR Service can be very effective at bridging the gap and taking your people worries away.
Restructuring, Redundancy & TUPE transfers
We have huge experience in this area and can advise and design a change programme for you which is tailored specifically for your business. The restructuring business model that we operate is unique, protecting both your legal and commercial interests.
We can manage recruitment assignments, offering a cost-effective solution to recruiting key talent. If recruiting confidentially is important, we have the skills and experience to offer this service.
Settlement Agreements
If you want to avoid having an Employment Tribunal Claim land on your desk, speak to us about drawing up a Settlement Agreement. Settlement Agreements are legally binding and the only legal way to protect your Company from a claim.